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Sardine Festival in Skala Polichnitos- Lesvos


Sardine Festival in Polichnitos

Start Date: 2 August 2024
End Date: 4 August 2024
Start Time: 19:30
End Time: 23:59
Grilled sardines


Sardine Festival in Polichnitos
Start Date: 2 August 2024
End Date: 4 August 2024
Start Time: 19:30

The Sardine Festival in Skala Polichnitou has been held for at least 30 years and attracts visitors from all over Lesvos and from abroad to enjoy live cooking, dancing and of course … tidbits of the famous sardines from the Gulf of Kalloni, prepared in various ways and accompanied of course by Lesvos ouzo!

The festivities in Skala Polichnitos will start with a special event. Renowned guest chefs Elias Mamalakis, Katerina Lenni, and Maria Ekmektsioglou will delight guests with delectable recipes featuring sardines from Kalloni! They will be accompanied by esteemed local chefs and notable Lesbian cuisine experts. The Lesbian chefs Stratos Iosifellis and Kostas Koumellis, along with the “Olive and Sea” estate and the “Mythical Coast” hotel, will also be part of this culinary event.

Ouzo distilleries from Lesvos will generously provide the aromatic and unique ouzo, a speciality of the island, free of charge. Visitors can indulge in the authentic flavours of Lesvos!

Exhibitions featuring local products from Lesvos will be set up in specially curated areas, allowing the public to purchase and enjoy the island’s finest offerings. Additionally, Vangelis Sarantidis and his orchestra will infuse the evening with an Aegean flair, promising a memorable and festive experience for all attendees.; recipes that cleverly and creatively use the Kalloni Gulf fish and seafood. Food businesses of the wider area will then offer dishes inspired by the pots of the fishing boats. The “Balos” Traditional Dance Association will seal the night with music and dancing.

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