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Sifnos, Festival of Saint Paneteleimon


Start Date: 27 July 2024
End Date: 27 July 2024


Start Date: 27 July 2024
End Date: 27 July 2024

The scenically beautiful fishing village of Cherronisos is located on the northern side of Sifnos and is protected by a small bay. It is a village of unique simplicity, with two fish tavernas on the beach serving local dishes.

The festivals of Sifnos are centuries’-old traditions and are celebrated on the eve of the day that a church or monastery honours the memory of the saint that it is dedicated to.  One of the most important is the festival of Sifnos is the one of Agios (Saint) Panteleimon celebrated on the 26th of July.

The picturesque and lively festivals attract many people, who chant and pray – but also cook, eat, drink and celebrate until late into the night in the church’s white-washed courtyards. The host of the festival, called the panigiras, the Sifnos islander who has the honour of keeping the icon of the church in his house for an entire year, returning it on the day of the festival. The panigiras assumes all the expenses of the festival, as well as the care and maintenance of the church.

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After the liturgy, the worshippers sit around the “tables of love” to taste revithada, olives, kokkinisto with pasta, and cod during the fasting period. They also drink red wine, served in local clay jugs while toasting to the health of the panigiras.The celebrators stay until the break of dawn, dancing, and singing. The next morning, after the liturgy, the next panigiras takes the sacred icon to his home to keep it for the coming year.

Photo: sifnaiko-fos.gr

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