• Golden medal for the smoked octopus, Olymp Taste Awards
• Packaging award for the botargo, Olymp Taste Awards
Bio Products
Bio Products
Dining Services
Dining Services
Retail Shop
Retail Shop
Pet Friendly
Pet Friendly
Transfer Service
Transfer Service
George Stefos and his family grew up on the banks of Messolonghi -Aetoliko lagoon and learned the art of the bottargo or roe from the fishermen of the area.
The bottargo of Stefos, based on a traditional home recipe, was known in a small local circle that appreciated and enjoyed it for decades – both as a tasty, nutritious daily food and as a precious festive treat.
Together with his children and a group of food technologists and experienced product promotion specialists, George Stefos founded a company in Aetoliko village in 2008. They envisioned sharing the unique products of the Mesolongi lagoon with the world, combining tradition with new technology. The company built innovative facilities for the processing, packaging, and promotion of products from the open sea, lagoon, and aquaculture for consumption in Greece and around the world.
Visitors to our facilities will learn everything about the avgotaraho in one hour, and taste unique treats produced by the hands of our expert chef!