
Porketa is a steak-roll made with pancetta without bones and, wrapped in pork skin, stuffed with aromatic spices and then slow-cooked in the oven.

Piece of porketa is a steak-roll made with pancetta without bones and

A popular dish coming from neighboring Italy, porketa is a steak-roll made with pancetta without bones and, wrapped in pork skin, stuffed with aromatic spices and then slow-cooked in the oven. It is an excellent meze that is so popular in Italy that it is sold by street vendors.

A variation of this dish is Christmas porketa, made with the addition of pine-nuts and raisins, creating a deliciously superb traditional dish.

You can try porketa in the prefecture of Evritania, where young pork, after being deboned and stuffed with local aromatic greens, is baked slowly overnight in a traditional wood oven.

The porketa can be prepared up to two days in advance and kept wrapped in the refrigerator. It is ideal and economical for a buffet because it can be cut into slices to make many servings. It can also be eaten as a cold-cut, sliced ​​into thin slices as a meze or even used in sandwiches.

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