Wine tasting sessions train the mind!

Wine tasting sessions train the mind more than math exercises! According to the findings of the Yale University neuroscientist, GordonShepherd, wine tasting puts our brain in operation more than any other human behavior. From the first glance to the mouth and the…

two glasses of red wine for the article Wine tasting sessions train the mind!
Wine tasting sessions train the mind more than math exercises!

According to the findings of the Yale University neuroscientist, GordonShepherd, wine tasting puts our brain in operation more than any other human behavior.

From the first glance to the mouth and the final ingestion of the wine, there is a huge range of sensory, kinetic and central brain systems involved. All together, these procedures involve more brain activity than listening to music or solving a complicated mathematical problem!

Indeed, in his book “Neuroenology: How the Brain Creates the taste of the Wine” explores all the complex nerve processes associated with the taste and appreciation of wine, including the visual appreciation of the bottle and the wine in the glass and the interaction between the liquid, the oxygen and the saliva in the mouth, tongue, diaphragm, and throat.

Wine molecules stimulate thousands of taste and odour receptors, sending signals to the brain that trigger mass calculations, including pattern recognition, memory, value judgment, emotion, and pleasure. In short, while a math problem requires a limited amount of brain activity, wine evaluation involves numerous sensory systems, including seeing, smelling and testing.

So do not forget to drink wine but always in moderation!

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